A reel of animation and motion graphic sequences from the PBS, American Masters documentary "Art Spiegelman: Disaster is My Muse." This is a director's cut of the animation I assisted on. These sequences were created in collaboration with the directors Molly Bernstein and Philip Dolin, and Producer, Sam Jinishian. Lead Animation by my long time collaborator, Darren Pasemko (all the thanks to him for bringing me onto the project). Music: "Do the Du - The Graveyard," by Certain Ratio.

Credits for "Art Spiegelman: Disaster is My Muse":

Client: American Masters, Foothill Productions, Jewish Story Partners, Particle Producitons, Pollyanna.

Directors: Molly Bernstein and Philip Dolin

Executive Producer: Lauren Lexton

Producer: Alicia Sams

Producer: Sam Jinishian

Music: Michael Leonhart

Featuring: Françoise Mouly, Art Spiegelman, Dash Spiegelman, and Nadja Spiegelman